That is the main thing in the media training and presentation courses we offer. Our highly experienced trainers will teach you how to communicate convincingly with key messages - an important skill for executives, managers, board members, politicians and professionals who need to perform persuasively and confidently during media interviews or presentations.
The media training courses delivered by BdRP strive to provide a general insight into the methods used by journalists and the media. Subsequently, they present an overview of the possibilities to enhance your control over the inevitable tension between you and the media. However, insight alone is not sufficient. Also necessary are skills in how to communicate with the press, skills that can only be acquired through practice.
The objectives of each training course are always adapted to the specific wishes of the trainees, such as:
• more confidence and fun in media communication;
• easier communication on difficult subjects;
• more control of the interview situation;
• increased ability to influence the public impression you make via the media
Our training modules can address specific events - a forthcoming interview or presentation - but can also provide general basic training.
Trainees can choose one of the following modules (or select a combination):
1. interview/media training for meeting the press;
2. presentation training for speeches and meetings
3. crisis communication;
4. debating and negotiating;
5. interview coaching for communication advisers.
In each training course we cover the following themes:
• Gaining insight into your personal strengths;
• Aiming at target audiences;
• Structuring key messages;
• Using accessible language;
• Maintaining control during the performance;
• Enjoying communication.
Practising is essential to achieve these goals, but so too are analysis, diagnosis and remedy. With this in mind, the practice sessions are videotaped. Each trainee receives a recording at the end of the training session, plus several written handouts.
To ensure that both trainers and trainees are well prepared for the training session, we require:
• a short résumé of each of the participants;
• some documentation about your organization;
• if possible some publications or press material;
• information about the topics that will be dealt with during the training session;
• for speech training: the text or PowerPoint presentation.
Following the course, trainees are offered free telephone advice from the trainer on media contacts. Several times a year the client's communication department also receives our e-mail Media Training Follow Up, with new insights and hints on media communication.
The trainers/coaches
Our trainers have a background in journalism. They endorse the principle that a well-prepared message is the basis for a strong presentation. However, not only your key message but also your communication style receives much attention during the training session. A confident style maximizes the impact of a message.
Sander Wieringa has spent over 25 years in media and journalism. He studied sociology and economics, became a journalist and worked for more than ten years as editor-in-chief of FEM (Financieel Economisch Magazine) and the management monthly NeXT! He was vice-president of the Dutch Union of Journalists, has published five management books and has made programs for Dutch educational TV. In 2002 he acquired Bob de Ronde Partners from its founder.
Will Tinnemans studied journalism in Utrecht. He worked as an editor for numerous magazines, radio- and tv-programs. As a freelance journalist he wrote for many nationwide newspapers. As "magazine doctor" he reorganised several formats. He has written several documentary books and performs regularly as moderator in congresses and debates.
Esther van Rijswijk studied economics and started her career In the Economic Affairs and the Finance departments of the Dutch government. After that she switched to journalism and became financial editor of Elsevier, the leading Dutch news weekly. Later she worked as correspondent in London for several Dutch newspapers and tv networks. Since 2007 she works freelance as commentator, communication analyst and communication trainer.
Astrid Widdershoven runs our office in Helvoirt. She worked as a certified real estate agent for many years before transferring to the communication business.
Training locations
We prefer to deliver our training courses in one of our facilities in The Netherlands:
• Amsterdam: near station Sloterdijk
• Zaltbommel: near highway and station
• The Hague: central station
In addition, we frequently give training courses abroad. Please contact us for specific conditions and prices well below the British average.
BdRP is by far the most engaged bureau for media training in the Netherlands, with 250 to 300 sessions annually. We never disclose the identity of specific clients. These comprise government departments, regional and local authorities, national institutes, organizations and unions, large corporations, scientists and communication professionals.
BDRP Bob de Ronde Partners
media training presentation training coaching
Duinoordseweg 20
5268LM Helvoirt
The Netherlands
Telephone: ++31.411.644428
Fax: ++31.411.644415